small informal presentation of my formal work

Welcome to my blog! Every time I have something to say I will write a small article here, I'm not used to self-promotion and sharing my personal thoughts, I admit that I have quite a few difficulties writing these articles but it's part of getting out of my comfort zone and trying to make myself known to the world I guess, so here we are.
I'm Diletta, born in 93 in Turin, a city in northern Italy famous for chocolate, for being part of the two triangles of magic (black and white), for cinema, the Egyptian museum and for a lot of other things, google it, it's lovely!
I've been very lucky, my family has always had a strong bond with the art world, as a child the door next to my house led to my uncle's studio, a restorer, who transmit me passion and precision when working on something, (after 20 years we can admit that I've been fooling around with the restoration of several works, but hey, I was good, no one ever complained). I also grew up under the same roof with my grandfather, in his life he has always painted and it taught me a lot. I have a painting at home that he made me paint when I was 3, it represents a forest on fire, I would like to go back in time to ask the little "Didi" what was she thinking. No incredible piece of art, it's more of an abstract painting, but it all started from there. Many years later I attended the art school, I graduated and continued my studies with the Academy of Fine Arts, painting course. Here opens a chapter so big that I will leave it for a future article (don't trust me, when I write like this, I will probably never write it) At the same time of the second year of the Academy I started the Digital Arts Master, in this way I managed to finish both in the same year, 2016. After that, I immediately started working in the art sector, for individuals and companies, as a freelancer and as an employee, but all this more bureaucratic section is visible in my curriculum, so I won't go further here.
I don't particularly identify with my education and work path;
I love art, creating in general, and sometimes I feel the urgency to produce ideas and projects that form in my head.
I think this is what classifies me more as an artistic person than all the grades taken over the years.